Hi all,
I have seen this topic discussed but not solved before. Tried to reply to that thread but it is locked.
I am doing some bare metal code, I thought it was cool to use high peri set to get 64mb more ram. As discussed in that thread, MMU does not work with that setting.
On the other hand, it seems that linux works fine with high peri, provided that an alternative device tree is supplied. I don't imagine it would run without the MMU, so there must be a setting that makes it work.
Does anyone know what the gotcha is to make it work from bare metal without parsing DTBs? It must just be something simple but "hidden"...
Thank you in advance
I have seen this topic discussed but not solved before. Tried to reply to that thread but it is locked.
I am doing some bare metal code, I thought it was cool to use high peri set to get 64mb more ram. As discussed in that thread, MMU does not work with that setting.
On the other hand, it seems that linux works fine with high peri, provided that an alternative device tree is supplied. I don't imagine it would run without the MMU, so there must be a setting that makes it work.
Does anyone know what the gotcha is to make it work from bare metal without parsing DTBs? It must just be something simple but "hidden"...
Thank you in advance
Statistics: Posted by yaw moo — Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:29 pm