huh.Sorry for not providing adequate information. Here is what happened after creating the environmentCode:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3.9 -m venv --system-site-packages newenvpi@raspberrypi:~ $ source newenv/bin/activate(newenv) pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pip listPackage Version---------- -------pip 22.0.4setuptools 58.1.0WARNING: You are using pip version 22.0.4; however, version 24.0 is available.You should consider upgrading via the '/home/pi/newenv/bin/python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
I am kind of stumped on this one. I just tried on a pi 5 and it works as expected, both using python and python<version>. What OS and version are you using? Is python3.9 the python that came installed in the OS or did you install it running side by side with the system one?
If 3.9 is a second install you added to the system, you may have missed something during that install?
Statistics: Posted by memjr — Wed Mar 13, 2024 6:13 pm