thanks ncdu -x showed me the issuersync should have cleaned up after itself so unless it crashed or was killed that's unlikely to be the problem.
Are you certain the drive was mounted where you think it was when you ran rsync? If not you could have written to your SD card.
If installed, ncdu -x / will give you a navigable tree view of which directories are using the most space on your root partition (-x stops it scanning other partitions).
If it's not installled a simple ls /mount/point when the drive is not connected will tell whether there is anything there. By /mount/point, I mean the directory where teh drive should be found e.g. /mnt.
sudo du -h -x -d 1 / will give you a summary of all the top level directories on your root partition.
there was some media files where they should not have been
Statistics: Posted by chicagogsh — Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:50 pm