Over the last 4 years there has been the shift from the legacy firmware-based camera stack to libcamera being the supported camera stack. https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/an-ope ... libcamera/
Bullseye and Bookworm have both defaulted to libcamera.
The legacy V4L2 driver did support capturing JPEG directly as it combined the camera with video encoder. libcamera shifts all the control of the image processing algorithms into userspace, so /dev/video0 is delivering raw Bayer frames that then get fed through the ISP. Encoding is a separate process again.
Bullseye and Bookworm have both defaulted to libcamera.
The legacy V4L2 driver did support capturing JPEG directly as it combined the camera with video encoder. libcamera shifts all the control of the image processing algorithms into userspace, so /dev/video0 is delivering raw Bayer frames that then get fed through the ISP. Encoding is a separate process again.
Statistics: Posted by 6by9 — Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:39 pm