Can anyone assist me with this topic as well?
If my Pi is connected as a client to a wireguard server, it prevents me from being able to access the Pi via SSH from an external IP.
Setup: External IP -> Router (port forwarding to 22) -> Pi
When my Pi is not connected to a wireguard server, I am able to access the Pi via SSH from an external IP with the following setup:
Setup: Same as above
Ideally, I'd like to be able to access the Pi from any external IP, unless this is heavily not advised for safety reasons. SSH on my Pi is authenticated via a password-protected private key with password authentication disabled.
I'm sure I need to add something to my allowed IPs or iptables rules (currently none) in my conf file, but don't quite understand what to add. Here it is below:
If my Pi is connected as a client to a wireguard server, it prevents me from being able to access the Pi via SSH from an external IP.
Setup: External IP -> Router (port forwarding to 22) -> Pi
When my Pi is not connected to a wireguard server, I am able to access the Pi via SSH from an external IP with the following setup:
Setup: Same as above
Ideally, I'd like to be able to access the Pi from any external IP, unless this is heavily not advised for safety reasons. SSH on my Pi is authenticated via a password-protected private key with password authentication disabled.
I'm sure I need to add something to my allowed IPs or iptables rules (currently none) in my conf file, but don't quite understand what to add. Here it is below:
[Interface]Address = = redactedListenPort = 51810DNS = = 1440[Peer]PublicKey = redactedEndpoint = X.X.X.X:51810AllowedIPs = = 25
Statistics: Posted by raspberryswirl — Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:48 pm