Last year Simon wrote this article and explained how to deploy a headless Raspberry unattended.
Is this still the way to deploy Raspberries with bookworm without rpi-imager and unattended? I noticed a file is created by the rpi-imager which handles all the initial setup for UID, sshd, keys et al.
There are also mechanisms to preconfigure an image without using Imager. To set up a user on first boot and bypass the wizard completely, create a file called userconf or userconf.txt in the boot partition of the SD card; this is the part of the SD card which can be seen when it is mounted in a Windows or MacOS computer.
Is this still the way to deploy Raspberries with bookworm without rpi-imager and unattended? I noticed a file is created by the rpi-imager which handles all the initial setup for UID, sshd, keys et al.
Statistics: Posted by framp — Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:01 pm