Hi, as the subject states I'm unable to get my Raspberry Pi 5 to connect with my Camera Module 3. It's not showing up on the camera-config or the configuration settings. Anyone experienced and resolved this?
Things I've tried:
Different ribbon cables
Another camera module 3
Checking for outdated software
2 different Micro SDs
Trying both ports
Reinstalling the OS
Raspberry Pi 27W USB-C PSU
Raspberry Pi 5 - 8GB
Raspberry Pi Camera 3 Wide NoIR
Things I've tried:
Different ribbon cables
Another camera module 3
Checking for outdated software
2 different Micro SDs
Trying both ports
Reinstalling the OS
Raspberry Pi 27W USB-C PSU
Raspberry Pi 5 - 8GB
Raspberry Pi Camera 3 Wide NoIR
Statistics: Posted by SalRaz — Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:24 pm