Not a solution to your problem but VNC is almost certainly the wrong approach for video streaming - the zero will decode the video, display it, the VNC server will grab that, encode it again, and then send it out over the network.
Sending the original stream out over the network will be much more efficient.
I don't use VNC often, have never done so on a zero2w and you may have already tried this but: try disabling vnc via raspi-config, rebooting, enabling it via raspi-config, and rebooting a second time.
Sending the original stream out over the network will be much more efficient.
I don't use VNC often, have never done so on a zero2w and you may have already tried this but: try disabling vnc via raspi-config, rebooting, enabling it via raspi-config, and rebooting a second time.
Statistics: Posted by thagrol — Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:16 pm