Trivially, you need to port forward UDP port 51820 from the Pi's router to the Pi.
Hi dickon, Ive already port forwarded my PI ( to port 51820 via my BT HUB firewall page.
Wireguard doesn't work with port forward or without.
Can you confirm if the Address under [Interface] for my pi /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf should match the IP of my PI that my BT HUB Router assigns to pi?
My current setup, my PI has IP assigned from the router.
In wireguard on the pi, I have Address
Another question, When running wireguard on my laptop, the interface is up, but the traffic isnt routed through the VPN - Shouldnt the laptop internet stop completely? instead I have my usual laptop internet that I need to route.
Or is a kill switch 100% needed for this?
Statistics: Posted by GTA3 — Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:32 am