The player has been working fine. But today, it locks up randomly. I could select the radio browser and select a station, the station would play but the screen is not updated. It still displays the search list. The WebUI just displays the same screen as the player and if you touch any key on either the screen or the WebUI, the screen does not change. I tried another SD card with the software loaded and it behaves the same. Before all this happens, I enable the fan control using raspi-config. I don't think this is the reason as I go ahead and disable it and it still behaves the same. Also another SD card without that enabled also exhibits the same problem. I also verified that the network is working fine. After a long time, the player works again. It changes the screen to screen saver. But if I go to the radio browser screen and select another station, it would lock up again.
Statistics: Posted by y2kats65 — Tue Apr 09, 2024 10:46 pm