I have been using the following code to send text messages to myself for various purposes...I havent used it in a while but when I tried now all of a sudden it is raising the error message...I have changed nothing in the code...any idea how to troubleshoot this?
I have been using the following code to send text messages to myself for various purposes...I havent used it in a while but when I tried now all of a sudden it is raising the error message...I have changed nothing in the code...any idea how to troubleshoot this?
import timeimport smtplibfrom email.message import EmailMessagedef send_message(message,recipient):try:server=smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.mail.yahoo.com', 465)server.login("fakeemail@yahoo.com", "fakepassword")subject= " "body=messagemsg_s=f' Subject: {subject} \n\n{body}'server.sendmail("<fakeemail@yahoo.com>", f' {recipeint}@vtext.com', msg_s)server.quit()print("send_message message sent")except:print("Error")passsend_message("Motion Detected","7705555444")
Statistics: Posted by Crimson0087 — Sat Apr 13, 2024 12:04 am