I can invert the PWM signal with my Pico for a project like this:I'm wondering if it can be done with just a simple GPIO output e.g.
pin[0].value(1) would output 0v, pin[0].value(0) 3.3v
The reason is I want to invert the state of a relay without having to use external components.
I am setting the state of 4 relays in a loop thus:It would be handy if I didn't have to code it everywhere but let the Pico hardware deal with it in the way it can deal with it for PWM
I can invert the PWM signal with my Pico for a project like this:
def pwm_set_polarity(sliceNo,channel,invert): Addr = 0x40050000 +0x14*sliceNo if invert: machine.mem32[Addr]=machine.mem32[Addr] | 0x1 << (2+channel)
pin[0].value(1) would output 0v, pin[0].value(0) 3.3v
The reason is I want to invert the state of a relay without having to use external components.
I am setting the state of 4 relays in a loop thus:
for r in range(4): rly[r].value(stat & 1 << r)
Statistics: Posted by jimseng — Fri May 10, 2024 6:24 am