Sorry, but I don't understand your point! And what do you want to use GPIO12/13 for? For 'faking' a HPD signal? How do you want to root that as it is on your HDMI connector? Why do you need at at all with your CCC waveshare screen? Isn't that connected all the time?Hi Thanks for the reply,
1. waveshare170120 is not hdmi compliant, but as it is disolaying hdmi normally that mean it should be hdmi compliant, right ?
2. Do I need to make ghio 12 and 13 as high or not ?
Please use code tags next time when posting large amount of code/log data. will have way getter readability (as I do not bother to figure out what you want to show from your logs the way they are formatted now).
Statistics: Posted by aBUGSworstnightmare — Fri May 10, 2024 6:34 am