After buying this product (, I am now getting the low voltage alert on my OS.
So I bought this other product (, the voltage drops in fact by .6
From 5.1 to 4.5
Would anyone have a usb c hub to recommend, like a tried solution?
Because this hub was rated as 100w capable, and I am using the official power supply which only pumps up to 27w.
I even bought a 100w power supply to try to make it work, however the voltage remains inferior to what it's supposed to be.
So I bought this other product (, the voltage drops in fact by .6
From 5.1 to 4.5
Would anyone have a usb c hub to recommend, like a tried solution?
Because this hub was rated as 100w capable, and I am using the official power supply which only pumps up to 27w.
I even bought a 100w power supply to try to make it work, however the voltage remains inferior to what it's supposed to be.
Statistics: Posted by RampantDespair — Mon May 13, 2024 11:58 pm