of that code by itself does anything.
Post the entire code.
import jsonstartmoney = 1000data = {}def read_file(): f = open("data.txt", "r") file_contents = f.close() return(file_contents)def write_file(content): f = open("data.txt", "w") f.write(json.dumps(content)) f.close()def add_save(key, value): data = json.loads(read_file()) data[key] = value write_file(data) print(f"Added user: {key} with balance: {value}") # Print confirmation message return "done"def get_value(username): data = json.loads(read_file()) print(f"Loaded data: {data}") # Print the loaded data dictionary if data.get(username) == None: add_save(username, startmoney) else: print(f"Found user: {username}") # Print if user exists return data.get(username)def pay_user(from_user, to_user, amount): data = json.loads(read_file()) if data.get(from_user) is None: data[from_user] = startmoney write_file(data) if data.get(to_user) is None: data[to_user] = startmoney write_file(data) if not int(data.get(from_user)) >= int(amount) or int(amount) <= 0: return("problem with request") else: data[from_user] = int(data.get(from_user)) - int(amount) data[to_user] = int(data.get(to_user)) + int(amount) write_file(data) return("successful")
import scratchattach as scratch3import mainsession = scratch3.login("wvzack", "############")conn = session.connect_cloud("#####") #replace with your project idclient = scratch3.CloudRequests(conn)@client.requestdef ping(): #called when client receives request return "pong" #sends back 'pong' to the Scratch project@client.requestdef get_balance(): try: balance = main.get_value(client.get_requester()) formatted_message = f"You have {balance} dollar(s)" return balance except Exception as e: print(f"Error retrieving balance for {client.get_requester()}: {e}") return "Error retrieving balance. Check the Python console for details." @client.requestdef pay(to, amount): print(client.get_requester()) print(to) print(int(amount)) return_value = main.pay_user(str.lower(client.get_requester()), str(to), amount) return return_value # Simply return the value from main.pay_user() @client.eventdef on_ready(): print("Request handler is running") #make sure this is ALWAYS at the bottom of your Python file
Statistics: Posted by wvzack — Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:06 am