Oh, did not notice you are the Pico DOOM author.
It does compile and.. seems that it solve my IBM 5150 Boot Problem.
This is for my PicoMEM Board, to use a Pico as all in one ISA Board emulation![Smile :)]()
I had a "Random" problem of Memory access miss, it was working on an earlier version of my code and not this one (With no change in the ISA Bus control code)
Thanks a lot![Smile :)]()
It does compile and.. seems that it solve my IBM 5150 Boot Problem.
This is for my PicoMEM Board, to use a Pico as all in one ISA Board emulation

I had a "Random" problem of Memory access miss, it was working on an earlier version of my code and not this one (With no change in the ISA Bus control code)
Thanks a lot

Statistics: Posted by FreddyV — Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:32 am