Before I buy a Pi5
Hello, an oldie with covid fog here and a Pi5 newbie alert; returning to Pi's after a fair absence.
Before I procure a Pi5, a few questions I hope some kind soul may answer to help me easy into back it.
I'm hoping to use the Pi as a non-TV media playing device, mainly youtube, netflix, et al, somehow sharing the monitor of my main PC (cabled if necessary).
With a new Pi5,
1. Can I flash a USB key as a boot drive, plug it in, and boot from it straight away ? Or is there some other process I'll need to read up on somewhere ?
2. Can it run real Chrome (and is Chromium the same thing ? if not where can read up on the differences ?) and play videos OK eg youtube OK at say 1080p or 720p ?
3. Can it fun firefox ? Similarly, will youtube play 1080p or 720p videos OK ?
4. It'll be connect to 100Mbs local ethernet. Can I rdp into it from a PC nowadays or is there some other beaut process I need to (re)read about ? Will youtube play 1080p or 720p videos OK over that ?
5. Is there a recommended security approach, eg some sort of firewall and/or antivirus or something ?
Thank you.
1. Yes
2. It runs Chromium, not Chrome. It's pretty much the same thing; except. you cannot log in and use that to sync between other devices.
3. Yes and yes.
4. Pi 5 supports Gigabit Ethernet
5. You don't generally need Antivirus on Linux. Linux AV is generally used on servers that host files that might come from 'doze machines. Pi comes with iptables installed as standard. There is a firewall configuration tool called ufw, which you can use to make configuration more friendly if you choose.
sudo apt install ufw
Statistics: Posted by kip_the_elder — Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:23 am