Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I'm new to forums and I'm not sure where to place my oddball question. I have a pi4 on bullseye and I'm trying to figure out how to get the uart to do literally anything. Currently I'm trying to just send a simple "hello world" to my arduino nano. I have a logic level converter between the two. At this point I can log a repeated a on the nano. I've tried following every YouTube video and tried reading every article I can find with no avail. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm a total noob in school so I'm a little nieve to all of it. I desperately want to learn.
Helpers need facts on which to base their advice.
What steps have you taken to confgure the UART for use under RasPiOS Bullseye?
Ref: ... gure-uarts
What is the wiring between the RPi4 and the level convertor, and between the level convertor and the Arduino? What is the specification of that level convertor? Do you have a common ground connection shared by the devices? Which pins on the RPi4 are you using to implement your UART?
Do the transmit and receive baud rates on the two devices match?
How are you programming the RPi4 to transmit test data?Directly from the shell? Via a terminal emulator? From code written in some higher level language? (Give examples of what you have tried and how they failed.)
A good starting point for serial/UART issues is to create a physical loopback between the Tx and Rx pins of the RPi and ensure that your terminal emulator is able to send keystrokes and see them echoed back. Then move on to a similar test in your chosen programming language.
Statistics: Posted by B.Goode — Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:51 am