It won't, if it sticks to the PD spec which, AIUI, requires a maximum of 3A (and 5V) unless the PD negotiation successfully asks for something else.It's not obvious to me the default 3A mode will deliver 5A when the negotiation fails. I'd request a product exchange as soon as possible. Does the power supply actually say 27W on it?I moved property and I'm now getting the same issue again.
I made sure not to plug it into any extensions... driving me a bit nuts. Perhaps time to buy another official power supply?
I'm curious about what happens if i just disable the check like it's suggesting using:
'set_max_current_enable=1 in config.txt'
But it is possible that 3A is enough for some USB MSDs, so the config trick might work -- the user is just taking responsibility for any consequences.
Thinking a bit more (dangerous, I know) we don't know whether the problem is that the PSU switched to 5A successfully, not the Pi didn't notice, or that the negotiation failed, leaving the PSU at 3A max.
Statistics: Posted by davidcoton — Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:09 pm