Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble with "Raspberry PI 4B 8G" (4 weeks old) - "Raspberry PI OS (64-BIT)" (Recommended) image? On boot it does the normal automatic reboot or two, which all looks good, yet when it finally seems to be done, it just leaves me with a flashing underscore type of prompt (no pre-characters), and is unresponsive to Keyboard Entries, other than a change in the flashing when a key is pressed?
Am I missing something, as I am running the Raspberry 7" Touch Screen, and the Raspberry HQ Camera hooked up to the 4B with 8G on a 64Gb SanDisk Extreme MicroSD? The previous version of the Raspberry PI Imager worked just fine, but since I updated, it has not worked for this configuration for me.
Sorry if this is not in the correct spot, and I have been unsuccessful searching for any posted issues with the latest Imager.
Am I missing something, as I am running the Raspberry 7" Touch Screen, and the Raspberry HQ Camera hooked up to the 4B with 8G on a 64Gb SanDisk Extreme MicroSD? The previous version of the Raspberry PI Imager worked just fine, but since I updated, it has not worked for this configuration for me.
Sorry if this is not in the correct spot, and I have been unsuccessful searching for any posted issues with the latest Imager.
Statistics: Posted by Stupidav — Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:40 am