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MicroPython • Re: PICO and the NHD-3.12-25664UCW2

Heres what i've done so far :


"""outline: https://github.com/mcauser/micropython-ssd1327init sequence/write buffer: https://github.com/JamesHagerman/Jamis_SSD1322other: SSD1322 Advance Information 480 x 128, Dot Matrix High Power OLED/PLED Segment/Common Driver with Controller        (9 COMMAND TABLE)  https://www.newhavendisplay.com/resources_dataFiles/datasheets/OLEDs/SSD1322.pdf"""__version__ = '0.1'import timeimport framebufclass SSD1322:    def __init__(self, width=256, height=64):        self.width = width        self.height = height        self.buffer = bytearray(self.width * self.height //2)        self.framebuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer(self.buffer, self.width, self.height, framebuf.GS4_HMSB)        # self.poweron()        time.sleep_ms(5)        self.init_display()    def init_display(self):        self.write_cmd(0xFD)  # Set Command Lock (MCU protection status)        self.write_data(0x12)  # 0x12 = Unlock Basic Commands; 0x16 = lock        self.write_cmd(0xA4)  # Set Display Mode = OFF        self.write_cmd(0xB3)  # Set Front Clock Divider / Oscillator Frequency        self.write_data(0xD1)  # 0x91 = 80FPS; 0xD0 = default / 1100b         self.write_cmd(0xCA)  # Set MUX Ratio        self.write_data(0x3F)  # 0x3F = 63d = 64MUX (1/64 duty cycle)        self.write_cmd(0xA2)  # Set Display Offset        self.write_data(0x00)  # 0x00 = (default)        self.write_cmd(0xA1)  # Set Display Start Line        self.write_data(0x00)  # 0x00 = register 00h        self.write_cmd(0xA0)  # Set Re-map and Dual COM Line mode        self.write_data(0x14)  # 0x14 = Default except Enable Nibble Re-map, Scan from COM[N-1] to COM0, where N is the Multiplex ratio        self.write_data(0x11)  # 0x11 = Enable Dual COM mode (MUX <= 63)        self.write_cmd(0xB5)  # Set GPIO        self.write_data(0x00)  # 0x00 = {GPIO0, GPIO1 = HiZ (Input Disabled)}        self.write_cmd(0xAB)  # Function Selection        self.write_data(0x01)  # 0x01 = Enable internal VDD regulator (default)        self.write_cmd(0xB4)  # Display Enhancement A        self.write_data(0xA0)  # 0xA0 = Enable external VSL; 0xA2 = internal VSL        self.write_data(0xB5)  # 0xB5 = Normal (default); 0xFD = 11111101b = Enhanced low GS display quality        self.write_cmd(0xC1)  # Set Contrast Current        self.write_data(0x9F)  # 0x7F = (default)        self.write_cmd(0xC7)  # Master Contrast Current Control        self.write_data(0x0F)  # 0x0F = (default)        self.write_cmd(0xB8)  # Select Custom Gray Scale table (GS0 = 0)        self.write_data(0x00)  # GS1        self.write_data(0x02)  # GS2        self.write_data(0x08)  # GS3        self.write_data(0x0d)  # GS4        self.write_data(0x14)  # GS5        self.write_data(0x1a)  # GS6        self.write_data(0x20)  # GS7        self.write_data(0x28)  # GS8        self.write_data(0x30)  # GS9        self.write_data(0x38)  # GS10        self.write_data(0x40)  # GS11        self.write_data(0x48)  # GS12        self.write_data(0x50)  # GS13        self.write_data(0x60)  # GS14        self.write_data(0x70)  # GS15        self.write_data(0x00)  # Enable Custom Gray Scale table        self.write_cmd(0xB1)  # Set Phase Length        self.write_data(0x74)  # 0xE2 = Phase 1 period (reset phase length) = 5 DCLKs,                               # Phase 2 period (first pre-charge phase length) = 14 DCLKs        self.write_cmd(0xD1)  # Display Enhancement B        self.write_data(0xA2)  # 0xA2 = Normal (default); 0x82 = reserved        self.write_data(0x20)  # 0x20 = as-is        self.write_cmd(0xBB)  # Set Pre-charge voltage        self.write_data(0x17)  # 0x17 = default; 0x1F = 0.60*Vcc (spec example)        self.write_cmd(0xB6)  # Set Second Precharge Period        self.write_data(0x08)  # 0x08 = 8 dclks (default)        self.write_cmd(0xBE)  # Set VCOMH        self.write_data(0x07)  # 0x04 = 0.80*Vcc (default); 0x07 = 0.86*Vcc (spec example)        self.write_cmd(0xA6)  # Set Display Mode = Normal Display        self.write_cmd(0xA9)  # Exit Partial Display        self.write_cmd(0xAF)  # Set Sleep mode OFF (Display ON)                self.fill(0)        self.write_data(self.buffer)    def poweroff(self):        self.write_cmd(0xAB)        self.write_data(0x00) # Disable internal VDD regulator, to save power        self.write_cmd(0xAE)    def poweron(self):        self.write_cmd(0xAB)        self.write_data(0x01) # Enable internal VDD regulator        self.write_cmd(0xAF)    def contrast(self, contrast):        self.write_cmd(0x81)        self.write_data(0x81) # 0-255    def rotate(self, rotate):        self.write_cmd(0xA0)        self.write_data(0x06 if rotate else 0x14)        self.write_data(0x11)    def invert(self, invert):        self.write_cmd(0xA4 | (invert & 1) << 1 | (invert & 1)) # 0xA4=Normal, 0xA7=Inverted    def show(self):        offset=(480-self.width)//2        col_start=offset//4        col_end=col_start+self.width//4-1        self.write_cmd(0x15)        self.write_data(col_start)        self.write_data(col_end)        self.write_cmd(0x75)        self.write_data(0)        self.write_data(self.height-1)        self.write_cmd(0x5c)        self.write_data(self.buffer)    def fill(self, col):        self.framebuf.fill(col)    def pixel(self, x, y, col):        self.framebuf.pixel(x, y, col)    def pp(self,x,y,col):        self.buffer[self.width//2*y+x//2]=0xff if col else 0    def line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, col):        self.framebuf.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, col)    def scroll(self, dx, dy):        self.framebuf.scroll(dx, dy)        # software scroll    def text(self, string, x, y, col=15):        self.framebuf.text(string, x, y, col)    def write_cmd(self):        raise NotImplementedError    def write_data(self):        raise NotImplementedErrorclass SSD1322_SPI(SSD1322):    def __init__(self, width, height, spi, dc,cs,res):        self.spi = spi        self.dc=dc        self.cs=cs        self.res=res        self.res(1)        time.sleep_ms(1)        self.res(0)        time.sleep_ms(10)        self.res(1)        super().__init__(width, height)        time.sleep_ms(5)    def write_cmd( self, aCommand ) :        '''Write given command to the device.'''        self.dc(0)        self.cs(0)        self.spi.write(bytearray([aCommand]))        self.cs(1)    #@micropython.native    def write_data( self, aData ) :        '''Write given data to the device.  This may be           either a single int or a bytearray of values.'''        self.dc(1)        self.cs(0)        if type(aData)==bytes or type(aData)==bytearray:            self.spi.write(aData)        else:            self.spi.write(bytearray([aData]))        self.cs(1)
Modified the 1322 file to match the expected init values from the demo program from NHD that they made on Arduino, as well as verified that these are in the data sheet.
Ran a test program and cant get anything to display or the screen to light up :


from machine import Pin, SPIimport ssd1322import time# Reset the displayres = Pin(28, Pin.OUT)res.low()time.sleep(0.01)  # 10 millisecondsres.high()# SPI setupspi = SPI(0, baudrate=8000000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(19))dc = Pin(27, Pin.OUT)cs = Pin(17, Pin.OUT)# Initialize the displaydisplay = ssd1322.SSD1322_SPI(256, 64, spi, dc, cs, res)# Clear the displaydisplay.fill(0)display.show()# Write some textdisplay.text('Hello, Pico!', 0, 0, 15)display.show()# Keep the text on screen for 30 secondstime.sleep(30)
Gotta be missing something here. I have 3.26 v on the power pin. thats all i know so far.

Statistics: Posted by Marconemusic — Sun Dec 31, 2023 1:52 am

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