This is interesting.
My environment variables also have the SDK at the new location, as seen below.
So where is VS Code getting the idea it should be using "C:/RP2040/pico-sdk"?
** Edit, copying the SDK to the path c:/rp2040/pico-sdk actually looks like it has resolved all of the issues. So the final question is, why was it looking fro the SDK there anyway?
I have an old SDK at the above path, but I reinstalled using the default installer a few months ago which installs the SDK to "C:\Program Files\Raspberry Pi\Pico SDK v1.5.1\pico-sdk".[cmake] CMake Warning at C:/RP2040/pico-sdk/src/rp2_common/tinyusb/CMakeLists.txt:10 (message):
[cmake] TinyUSB submodule has not been initialized; USB support will be unavailable
[cmake] hint: try 'git submodule update --init' from your SDK directory
[cmake] (C:/RP2040/pico-sdk).
My environment variables also have the SDK at the new location, as seen below.

So where is VS Code getting the idea it should be using "C:/RP2040/pico-sdk"?
** Edit, copying the SDK to the path c:/rp2040/pico-sdk actually looks like it has resolved all of the issues. So the final question is, why was it looking fro the SDK there anyway?
Statistics: Posted by Lonewolff — Sat Aug 31, 2024 11:00 pm