Thank you very much for your help. I will try.
I am curious, in this case, how does the raspberry pi or other computers know which gpio pin corresponds to which memory address? Is this embedded in the chip? I mean, when I type GPIO4, how does computer know where is the pin of GPIO 4? Is the chip on computer knowing this? So on different computers, even if they install exactly system, it can map the number to the hardware automatically?
I am curious, in this case, how does the raspberry pi or other computers know which gpio pin corresponds to which memory address? Is this embedded in the chip? I mean, when I type GPIO4, how does computer know where is the pin of GPIO 4? Is the chip on computer knowing this? So on different computers, even if they install exactly system, it can map the number to the hardware automatically?
Statistics: Posted by Iven Dong — Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:57 am