I would say that in Boolean Algebra there is only True or False which tend to be given numerical values of 0 and 1. Addition and multiplication makes no sense with Boolean values.In Boolean Algebra there is only 1 or 0. In numerical terms these are also 1 and 0. Nothing else exists. Addition and multiplication work nicely with it.
Here, and above, you are conflating Booleans with Numerics. There is no addition, multiply, subtraction or division for Booleans, only And, Or, Xor and Not.Thanks Hippy for your kind input, however reading this suggests there is no subtraction (and therefore no division)... apparently ... so NOT is something else to get my head around.
You can coerce Boolean values to be Numeric, and you can process Numerics to give Booleans, as I showed in my example code. The Not there is actually an Xor with one side set True; a trick most people with spare 74HC gates on a board will be well familiar with.
I'm not quite sure what you are wanting other than that. You appear to have defined conditions which make it impossible to achieve what you seemingly would like under those conditions.
Statistics: Posted by hippy — Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:25 am