@breaker, actually it looks like OP mentioned only I2C scan for MicroPython and C in the beginning, so I guess I'm not sure if OP has managed to get a breakout board I2C fully working with a Pico with any programming language.
Using a second Pico to try out the breakout boards would be nice in this situation, as is buying some other I2C boards with SDK examples available to try out.
Assuming OP does not have an oscilloscope or logic analyzer at hand, getting any I2C board fully working with a Pico will prove that the Pico side is fine. Stick to SDK example code unmodified first. Still, the MPU6050 code posted is just lightly modified from the original SDK example, and breakout boards have pullups. There just doesn't seem to be much wriggle room for anything...
Using a second Pico to try out the breakout boards would be nice in this situation, as is buying some other I2C boards with SDK examples available to try out.
Assuming OP does not have an oscilloscope or logic analyzer at hand, getting any I2C board fully working with a Pico will prove that the Pico side is fine. Stick to SDK example code unmodified first. Still, the MPU6050 code posted is just lightly modified from the original SDK example, and breakout boards have pullups. There just doesn't seem to be much wriggle room for anything...
Statistics: Posted by katak255 — Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:34 am