Hmm, when you mention changing the pi config are you talking about setting usb_max_current_enable=1?
My understanding was that this only affected how much power it will allocate to USB devices, I guess that's not correct?
You're saying the USB C output on this waveshare ups should be capable of 5a, but because it doesn't send PD signal, the Pi will not be able to negotiate 5a and will instead assume it can only output 3a?
Would setting that max current flag actually mean the pi will pull up to 5a from the the ups, despite not being able to negotiate? And would that resolve the low current error msg?
My understanding was that this only affected how much power it will allocate to USB devices, I guess that's not correct?
You're saying the USB C output on this waveshare ups should be capable of 5a, but because it doesn't send PD signal, the Pi will not be able to negotiate 5a and will instead assume it can only output 3a?
Would setting that max current flag actually mean the pi will pull up to 5a from the the ups, despite not being able to negotiate? And would that resolve the low current error msg?
Statistics: Posted by whoopiepi — Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:41 am