I'm not aware of any services re-enabling themselves in some strange way, even after an update. Are you sure that you actually disabled NetworkManager?
So long story short, systemd-networkd keeps getting deactivated from time to time and NetworkManager gets activated instead ...whenever I run some sporadic system updates to the OS..
...So I came to think about your suggestion and thought maybe I could ask you some questions. Assuming that would be ok.. here goes
- If I migrate to NetworkManager and configure it as you suggested in this post above, will the system updates overwrite these or can I be certain that it will be kept as I set it up?
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager
You may or may not be successful in reconfiguring the network to different network management software without a reboot. I would certainly stop all containers to minimize impacts and potential hassles. Who wants to spend time cleaning up very sad containers?
- I do need to stop all my running containers before I start doing the migration, correct?
Pretty sure there is, but I've never looked at that.
- Is there any ide to start and glance at some form of link aggregation? My thought on this is well, if the OS updates will overwrite my settings, then I might as well learn and setup link aggregation and by doing so if my 2.5G NIC goes down or dies or whatever I always have the built in 1G NIC running and so I wont be losing link/connection
BTW, apologies for the confusion I introduced way early in this thread. I somehow read that you wanted to disable the onboard WiFi, not the onboard NIC. My proposed solution was completely wrong. If you still need that, I'm sure someone can help you sort that out.
Statistics: Posted by bls — Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:22 pm