I would suggest, as @carlk3 mentioned, to look for electrically isolated sensors. Pololu has a good selection of Allegro boards for precisely what I think you are after: https://www.pololu.com/category/118/current-sensors
Please note that you have mentioned 55_A (steady state) and 100_A (peak). I have a hard time believing you will find an INA226 board in Amazon that will support that. Therefore, the reason to look at the Allegro offerings and you can't go wrong with the Pololu implementations (I am not affiliated to them - they are just cool techy people with solutions to problems; much like Adafruit or Sparkfun).
Please note that you have mentioned 55_A (steady state) and 100_A (peak). I have a hard time believing you will find an INA226 board in Amazon that will support that. Therefore, the reason to look at the Allegro offerings and you can't go wrong with the Pololu implementations (I am not affiliated to them - they are just cool techy people with solutions to problems; much like Adafruit or Sparkfun).
Statistics: Posted by languer — Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:16 am