Err, that is utter nonsense. Unless you have actual evidence, of course.Why "should" we turn off WiFi before we sleep? If it is something odd like removal of the signals, are you shutting down all WiFi in your house and lurking within a faraday cage?We should turn off all wifi connections while we sleep, it looks like I will have shut down raspberry now
During sleeping time we should have the minimum amount of radio signals as we have to put up with, This is a hard concept for some people to get a grip with, and it is believed to be a contributing factor why some people are more likely to get sick today,
I am not a qualified or practising health practitioner, But some doctors are pointing the finger to all the radio frequency signals making their patients sick, when they reduce most of the RF signals in their home, their health improves. For some reason women are more likely to suffer first from RF pollution before males.
Statistics: Posted by ame — Wed Oct 30, 2024 8:26 am