I apologize for the snarky tone in my post above. Anyway, I'm probably wrong about my magnetic coupling idea too -- it could be just some bad inductor parts. Agree that we will probably not know the real reason unless someone with similarly behaving parts do an investigation.
I found some time, dug up and tested an MP1584 buck board (12V input from power brick, MP1584 runs at ~1.5 MHz, resistor load) putting it close to a Pico. Nothing changed on the ammeter, no magnetic effect on a Pico, no coupling. Whatever it was, someone will need to get hold of one of those Pico Ws to test. So if I want to jump to conclusions, I would blame the inductor on that Pico W.
I think it's okay to be wrong in electronics, I say and assume the wrong things all the time too. I''l leave my mistakes on the forum. In electronics, there is plenty of failure and we learn from them. On this thread, we were all trying to find out why it happened; maybe one day we will.
I found some time, dug up and tested an MP1584 buck board (12V input from power brick, MP1584 runs at ~1.5 MHz, resistor load) putting it close to a Pico. Nothing changed on the ammeter, no magnetic effect on a Pico, no coupling. Whatever it was, someone will need to get hold of one of those Pico Ws to test. So if I want to jump to conclusions, I would blame the inductor on that Pico W.

I think it's okay to be wrong in electronics, I say and assume the wrong things all the time too. I''l leave my mistakes on the forum. In electronics, there is plenty of failure and we learn from them. On this thread, we were all trying to find out why it happened; maybe one day we will.
Statistics: Posted by katak255 — Sat Nov 02, 2024 7:32 am