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Python • Re: Python serial programing

Following @ghp's suggestion, I modified the code to wait for the correct PDU length. The PDUs vary in length depending on the SMS content, so it's not a fixed size. I haven't tested it yet, as the device is at home; I'll test it after the weekend. Thank you all for your support, and I'll return to this topic on Monday.


import serialimport signalimport sysimport time# Serial port configurationPORT = "/dev/serial0"  # Port 'serial0' instead of 'ttyS0'BAUDRATE = 19200       # Changed speed to 19200 bps# Interrupt handler function (Ctrl+C)def signal_handler(sig, frame):    print("\nClosing program.")    if ser.is_open:        ser.close()    sys.exit(0)# Register interrupt handler for Ctrl+Csignal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)try:    # Open serial port    ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUDRATE, timeout=1)    print(f"Connected to serial port {PORT} at baud rate {BAUDRATE}.")    # Echo control variable    echo_enabled = True    while True:        # Check if there is data on the serial port        if ser.in_waiting > 0:            # Use latin-1 encoding to decode the line            line = ser.readline().decode('latin-1').strip()                        # Debugging - display the line            print(f"Received: {line}")            # Echo handling            if echo_enabled:                ser.write((line + "\r\n").encode('latin-1'))            # AT command interpretation            if line == "AT":                ser.write(b"OK\r\n")  # Connection confirmation                print("Response: OK")            elif line == "ATE0":  # Disable echo                echo_enabled = False                ser.write(b"OK\r\n")                print("Response: OK (Echo disabled)")            elif line == "ATE1":  # Enable echo                echo_enabled = True                ser.write(b"OK\r\n")                print("Response: OK (Echo enabled)")            elif line == "AT+CGMM":  # Command to get model name                ser.write(b"C35i\r\n")                time.sleep(0.1)  # Short delay for older devices                print("Response: C35i")                        elif line.startswith("AT+CMGS="):  # Sending SMS                # Parse PDU length                try:                    pdu_length = int(line.split('=')[1].strip())                    print(f"Parsed PDU length: {pdu_length}")                except ValueError:                    ser.write(b"ERROR\r\n")                    print("Response: ERROR - invalid PDU length")                    continue                                # Confirm ready to receive PDU data                ser.write(b"> ")                print("Response: > (Ready to receive PDU)")                                # Wait for PDU data of the specified length                pdu_data = ""                received_length = 0                while received_length < pdu_length:                    if ser.in_waiting > 0:                        # Read one byte of PDU                        byte = ser.read(1).decode('latin-1')                        pdu_data += byte                        received_length += 1                # Save PDU data to sms.dat file                with open("sms.dat", "a") as file:                    file.write(f"{pdu_data}\n")                                print(f"SMS saved to sms.dat: {pdu_data}")                                # Confirm SMS reception and sending                ser.write(b"\r\n+CMGS: 1\r\n")  # Sent SMS ID                ser.write(b"OK\r\n")                print("Response: +CMGS: 1, OK")                        else:                #ser.write(b"ERROR\r\n")                print("Response: ERROR - unknown command")except serial.SerialException as e:    print(f"Serial port error: {e}")finally:    if ser.is_open:        ser.close()

Statistics: Posted by dojnikowski — Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:36 am

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