I have always on Raspberry pi 4 and 5 when playing video VLC or YouTube that my audio is out of sync
I thought with Raspberry pi 5 that it would be better, but still I am seeing it
Not sure if there are some tips and tricks ?
I know on VLC that I can change the audio setting to sync it, but think that should not really be needed on Raspberry pi 5 (rank it high compare to older pies)
My pi is on the latest version
Hope someone can help
I thought with Raspberry pi 5 that it would be better, but still I am seeing it
Not sure if there are some tips and tricks ?
I know on VLC that I can change the audio setting to sync it, but think that should not really be needed on Raspberry pi 5 (rank it high compare to older pies)
My pi is on the latest version
Hope someone can help
Statistics: Posted by 44nato44 — Fri Nov 08, 2024 9:25 am