Conversely, libgpiod has always done it the way it does, but now you expect it to change to suit you.That insistence comes from that having been the way it has been done, allowed to be done, in the Pi world at least, for the last decade.the insistence I've seen that everything has to be able to be done from shell is surprising to me.
It should not come as a surprise that Pi makers who have bought into that way of doing things for a decade would insist on continuing to be able to do that.
It should not come as a surprise that we are resistant to change without good reason - we have users that expect or even require the current behaviour.
The Pi issue is outside the scope of libgpiod - we are not trying to give you guys a seamless transition from old Pis to RPi5 or to keep doing things they way you have been. We are trying to provide a more general solution, while accommodating specific use cases like the Pi where we can.
And, with Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm, for Pi 5 and the rest, they still can, whether using the currently included 'libgpiod' 1.6.3 or an upgraded 'libgpiod' 2.1, and presumably should be able to continue doing so into the future.
The issue boils down to whether Pi makers should be allowed to do that, allowed to continue doing that, or whether that should be taken from them.
I personally believe that what currently exists with Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm is just fine, save that upgrading to 'libgpiod' 2.1 overcomes one specific use case issue with 'libgpiod' 1.6.3 which cannot be overcome using its official command line tools alone.
If you mean the "-a" being missing from gpioget, I can see if I can get that backported to v1. Heck, I thought it was there already.
Statistics: Posted by warthog618 — Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:46 am