Sorry but you are quoting things from several years ago.IIRC the official position is that "we don't support Wiindows" due to concerns over licensing and copyright.The counter to that is perhaps the schools should put money and pressure on Microsoft to port their proprietary, closed source OS to run on Raspberry Pi. MS are the only ones in a position to port it. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Qualcom have a say in it. Their hardware seems to be all that's officially supported by Windows on ARM.and many UK schools mandating Windows (much to the annoyance of my neighbour's daughter who has used MacOS almost since birth) this would seem an obvious time to actually put some effort into 'doing Windows around here'.
Ultimately, porting Windows likely won't do anything for cash strapped schools. Instead of paying out for low cost PCs they be paying out for Pi5[00] and as much again for a Windows license.
Firstly Windows 10 on ARM did have licencing issues, and MSoft learnt from that. Windows11 on ARM is open to anybody who just registers with them and specifically is not locked to Qualcomm based hardware. Indeed Qualcomm pulled out of that market as they felt it was going too low end.
Windows11 on ARM is free so the schools would pay nothing other than the cost of a Pi500 which is cheaper than any Intel machine.
I actually thought when RPL IPOed that Microsoft might buy into them and pay RPL or a third party to do the porting, but at the moment MSoft have bigger priorities with the AI revolution. They've done this in the past though so maybe in the future.
Statistics: Posted by MikeDB — Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:38 am