I wanted to upgrade my box to Bookworm and changed apt.list and started to update after a while I saw segmentation error and booted my Raspi but I could not boot.
After that manually edited fstab and and changed the boot path to /boot to /boot/firmware and copied kernel images and boot images manully from another stick. Now it is booting but I am getting Kernal Panic error. I tried with three different kernel images but every time I am getting Kernel Panic.
any help would be really appreciated
After that manually edited fstab and and changed the boot path to /boot to /boot/firmware and copied kernel images and boot images manully from another stick. Now it is booting but I am getting Kernal Panic error. I tried with three different kernel images but every time I am getting Kernel Panic.
any help would be really appreciated
Statistics: Posted by cabbar — Tue Nov 26, 2024 12:37 pm