(* Advent of Code - 2024; day1 - part2 on BPI-F3 RISC-V *)(* OCaml code *)#load "utils.cmo"open Utilslet rec unleave = function [] -> [],[] | [a; b] :: t -> match unleave t with l, r -> (int_of_string a :: l, int_of_string b :: r)let day_1b file = let ll,rl = file |> read_lol_words |> unleave in let sll = List.sort compare ll in let srl = List.sort compare rl in List.(fold_left (+) 0 (map (fun l -> l * length (filter ((=) l) srl)) sll))
Execution time: 0.148755s
- : int = 26593248
Statistics: Posted by hrvoje064 — Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:15 pm