I have a raspberry pi 4 running for several years now.
I use it for various tasks and I've invested significant time configuring and setting it up.
Back then, it was connected to a computer monitor without issues.
In the last year, I did not connect it to a screen and accessed it remotely in SSH.
Today I tried to connect it, without success (I get "no signal" message).
I tried several solutions I found online (hdmi_force_hotplug, hdmi_safe, hdmi_group, hdmi_boost), without success. At some time it even failed to boot at all for several times...
Can you please try to help with that?
I use it for various tasks and I've invested significant time configuring and setting it up.
Back then, it was connected to a computer monitor without issues.
In the last year, I did not connect it to a screen and accessed it remotely in SSH.
Today I tried to connect it, without success (I get "no signal" message).
I tried several solutions I found online (hdmi_force_hotplug, hdmi_safe, hdmi_group, hdmi_boost), without success. At some time it even failed to boot at all for several times...
Can you please try to help with that?
Statistics: Posted by mattanl — Fri Dec 13, 2024 3:51 pm