Well, I decided to start with the nrf24L01 modules, and today I got them working pretty much flawlessly for what I need. I can read 3 joystick axis, put it into an array of three 8 bit values, and send it over the nrf24L01 to the robot, which controls four DRV8874 motor drivers driving omni-wheels. I even have some code to center the joysticks. I'm very proud of my project so far, being the first real Python programming I've ever done. I didn't want to use the nrf24L01 library that everybody seems to use because I didn't understand how it worked, and I wanted to have a deeper understanding of how these modules work, so I just wrote everything from scratch. It's working better than I could have hoped, but my code is a mess. I understand it, but nothing is in functions because I can't figure out how. That's my next step though, to make my code more optimized. Is there an appropriate place to post that code so that others can see how I did what I did, and ask for optimization feedback?
Statistics: Posted by BrianZweerink — Sun Jan 14, 2024 4:31 am