I am trying to stream an (old) ov5647 "PiCam v1" using my new RPi5 runing Bookorm.
I can detect the camera with "libcamera-hello --list" and I can generate a smooth test video on the console by running:
So the camera seems to be working (I can also take jpeg snapshots).
However, if I then try to record a video, usingthe resulting file plays back at super speed.
If I add '----save-pts timestamps.txt', the resulting file contains only the single linewithout any actual timestamp entries.
What am I doing wrong here?
I can detect the camera with "libcamera-hello --list" and I can generate a smooth test video on the console by running:
libcamedra-hello --camera 0 -t 0
So the camera seems to be working (I can also take jpeg snapshots).
However, if I then try to record a video, using
rpicam-vid -t 10000 -o test.h264
If I add '----save-pts timestamps.txt', the resulting file contains only the single line
# timecode format v2
What am I doing wrong here?
Statistics: Posted by puterboy — Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:40 am