If I understand it correctly:I did reinstall a fresh bookworm and also a fresh Buster.
When I use http in the curl line I got the message "401 Unauthorized".
When I use https no message is returned.
I tried in the settings of Domoticz in the security to change the API protection. It's now switched off (red shift switch.
But when I click on Apply Settings I get Invalid Location Settings.
When I try to supply the Latitude and Longitude I get Geocode was not successful for the following reason.
No reason was displayed.
Even if I fill in the Latitude and Longitude manually it does not like it.
1. It was working
2. You upgraded to bookworm it stopped working
3. You tried going back to buster and it still di not work
To me this sounds like a configuration issue.
You have an access denied type error AND you have the weird behavior with making a change to the API protection that won't let you save.
You need to look into the domiticz configuration and find where you may have set something incorrectly.
Statistics: Posted by memjr — Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:21 am