Of course it is...I donno if your name is based on the book, but it's one of my favorites...
sudo should be used to run the sh file, not used inside.It is not needed for the service which is run by root if you don't use the 'USER=' option.BTW - if I don't put sudo in front of the command within the .sh file, it will not run properly.
if you still have the error " Error opening terminal: unknown.", this means that your command need a terminal to work.
Try first to redirect to a log file stdout and stderr of your command inside your script (add '> /tmp/mylogfile.log 2>&1' at the end of the command). This may give some more information about the error.
If this still doesn't work, may be the command needs a real terminal to work and thus can hardly be used as a service.
I think there is a command to work around that, but I don't remind which one it is.
Statistics: Posted by RamaSpaceShip — Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:03 am