You need something along the lines of ... ght-driver to connect the display, and then jumper wires to connect that to the relevant GPIOs.
NB I have NOT verified that the breakout names used by that board match the pinout of the specific display linked to. That MUST be done prior to connecting up unless you like burnt electronics.
You then also need the relevant configuration to get the screen started - PiHut link to the necessary resources, but it needs manipulating into the right format.
NB I have NOT verified that the breakout names used by that board match the pinout of the specific display linked to. That MUST be done prior to connecting up unless you like burnt electronics.
You then also need the relevant configuration to get the screen started - PiHut link to the necessary resources, but it needs manipulating into the right format.
Statistics: Posted by 6by9 — Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:23 pm