+1Your shopping list is good. I had a Zero, Zero W, and now have a Zero 2. Everything was a struggle on the Zero and Zero 2. I find a Pi 4 with 2 GB the minimum for the development and learning phase. You can then move some completed projects to a Zero 2 for GUI or a Zero W without a GUI.
Unless you are very resource constrained I would do the dev work on a 4B or 5, and the deploy finished projects to the appropriately size Pi. Personally I find 4GB the minimum to run a full desktop environment fluidly. Assuming you already have the peripherals, the buy in cost for a 4B 4GB is very low.
Decent (read GUI based) dev tools are going to be painfully slow/limited on a Zero.
Statistics: Posted by bjtheone — Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:29 pm