You were right not to be convinced it was impossible.
Thank you for all your help. Now I can order me a few PicoW's...
And yes, it's been yet another rainy day in the UK!
Oh and I love that I can do all of this on my Pi4 using Thonny - which I've never used before.
I remember having a hell of a game setting up the Arduino IDE (1.8) to work with my ESP32. But Thonny just worked pretty much straight away!
You were right not to be convinced it was impossible.
Thank you for all your help. Now I can order me a few PicoW's...
And yes, it's been yet another rainy day in the UK!
Oh and I love that I can do all of this on my Pi4 using Thonny - which I've never used before.
I remember having a hell of a game setting up the Arduino IDE (1.8) to work with my ESP32. But Thonny just worked pretty much straight away!
import networkimport urequests as requestsimport timeimport jsonimport gcdef decodeSWC(swcCode): if swcCode == -1 : return "Trace rain" elif swcCode == 0 : return "Clear night" elif swcCode == 1 : return "Sunny day" elif swcCode == 2 : return "Partly cloudy (night)" elif swcCode == 3 : return "Partly cloudy (day)" elif swcCode == 4 : return "Not used" elif swcCode == 5 : return "Mist" elif swcCode == 6 : return "Fog" elif swcCode == 7 : return "Cloudy" elif swcCode == 8 : return "Overcast" elif swcCode == 9 : return "Light rain shower (night)" elif swcCode == 10 : return "Light rain shower (day)" elif swcCode == 11 : return "Drizzle" elif swcCode == 12 : return "Light rain" elif swcCode == 13 : return "Heavy rain shower (night)" elif swcCode == 14 : return "Heavy rain shower (day)" elif swcCode == 15 : return "Heavy rain" elif swcCode == 16 : return "Sleet shower (night)" elif swcCode == 17 : return "Sleet shower (day)" elif swcCode == 18 : return "Sleet" elif swcCode == 19 : return "Hail shower (night)" elif swcCode == 20 : return "Hail shower (day)" elif swcCode == 21 : return "Hail" elif swcCode == 22 : return "Light snow shower (night)" elif swcCode == 23 : return "Light snow shower (day)" elif swcCode == 24 : return "Light snow" elif swcCode == 25 : return "Heavy snow shower (night)" elif swcCode == 26: return "Heavy snow shower (day)" elif swcCode == 27 : return "Heavy snow" elif swcCode == 28 : return "Thunder shower (night)" elif swcCode == 29 : return "Thunder shower (day)" elif swcCode == 30 : return "Thunder" return "Unknown"def retrieve_forecast(timesteps, requestHeaders, latitude, longitude, excludeMetadata, includeLocation): base_url = "https://data.hub.api.metoffice.gov.uk/sitespecific/v0/point/" url = base_url + timesteps url += "?excludeParameterMetadata=FALSE&includeLocationName=TRUE&latitude=52.2333&longitude=-2.3667" headers = {'accept': "application/json"} headers.update(requestHeaders) params = { 'excludeParameterMetadata' : excludeMetadata, 'includeLocationName' : includeLocation, 'latitude' : latitude, 'longitude' : longitude } success = False retries = 2 while not success and retries >0: try: req = requests.get(url, headers=headers) success = True except Exception as e: print("Exception occurred {}", e) retries -= 1 time.sleep(10) if retries == 0: print("Retries exceeded") sys.exit() req.encoding = 'utf-8' print("Length of returned data = {}", len(req.text)) data_dict = json.loads(req.text) if not isinstance(data_dict, dict) : print("Not successfully converted into a dictionary - check API key") else : location = (data_dict['features'][0]['properties']['location']['name']) time = [] windSpeed = [] temperature = [] probOfRain = [] swc = [] print("Location found is : {}".format(location)) for hours in range(4) : time.append(data_dict['features'][0]['properties']['timeSeries'][hours]['time']) windSpeed.append(data_dict['features'][0]['properties']['timeSeries'][hours]['windSpeed10m']) temperature.append(data_dict['features'][0]['properties']['timeSeries'][hours]['screenTemperature']) probOfRain.append(data_dict['features'][0]['properties']['timeSeries'][hours]['probOfPrecipitation']) swc.append(data_dict['features'][0]['properties']['timeSeries'][hours]['significantWeatherCode']) print("") print("{}".format(time[hours])) print("Temperature :{} C".format(temperature[hours])) print("Significant weather code :{}".format(decodeSWC(swc[hours]))) # Convert m/s to mph print("Windspeed :{} MPH".format(int(float(windSpeed[hours] * 2.23694)))) print("Probability of rain :{} %".format(probOfRain[hours]))print("ESP32 : Connecting to router")wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)wlan.active(True)wlan.connect("MY_SSID", "MY_PASSWORD")while wlan.status() != network.STAT_GOT_IP: print(" Waiting to connect ...") time.sleep(1)print("Connected")apikey = MY_MET_OFFICE_APIrequestHeaders = {"apikey": apikey}latitude = 52.2333longitude = -2.3667gc.collect()retrieve_forecast("hourly", requestHeaders, latitude, longitude, False, True)
Statistics: Posted by MarkDH102 — Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:32 pm