Not sure if this is useful but I provide a more recent Mesa release for use with my (buster compatible) Cura builds. These unpack into /opt/mesa and you can make your program use them by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate lib directory (i.e. /opt/mesa/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu for the 64 bit version). You can find the Mesa builds at https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura/releases.
BTW, if you want to use geometry shaders, you have to override the GLES version because the real supported version is 3.1 but if you force the version to be 3.2 then geometry shaders are available. You force the version using an environment variable, i.e. MESA_GLES_VERSION_OVERRIDE="3.2".
Hope this helps.
Not sure if this is useful but I provide a more recent Mesa release for use with my (buster compatible) Cura builds. These unpack into /opt/mesa and you can make your program use them by setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate lib directory (i.e. /opt/mesa/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu for the 64 bit version). You can find the Mesa builds at https://github.com/smartavionics/Cura/releases.
BTW, if you want to use geometry shaders, you have to override the GLES version because the real supported version is 3.1 but if you force the version to be 3.2 then geometry shaders are available. You force the version using an environment variable, i.e. MESA_GLES_VERSION_OVERRIDE="3.2".
Hope this helps.
Statistics: Posted by burtoogle — Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:08 pm