Ok, backups are more important than having the /home partition so I moved the content of /home partition back to the root partition and deleted the /home partition. So I'm down to just the /boot and / partition.
Still getting the error regarding nvme backups.
Here is a snippet of the image-backup output:
I've deleted the entire /boot structure and rebuilt it from a newly flashed SD.
Here's the fstab:
Just finished a test on another Pi5 running Ubuntu and booting from SD with an external HDD mounted to a /data partition. Hadn't run image-backup on this system before, the data drive has 400+GB on it. Ran image-backup to my Synology server, it backed up the entire system w/data partition for a total of 436GB. Worked great.
So, any ideas why this dang nvme setup is giving me such issues?
Still getting the error regarding nvme backups.
Here is a snippet of the image-backup output:
Starting full backup (for incremental backups, run: /usr/local/sbin/image-backup /mnt/tstb.img)sending incremental file list[sender] hiding directory lost+found because of pattern /lost+found[sender] hiding directory run because of pattern /run[sender] hiding directory proc because of pattern /proc[sender] hiding directory tmp because of pattern /tmp[sender] hiding directory sys because of pattern /sys[sender] hiding directory mnt because of pattern /mnt[sender] hiding directory media because of pattern /media[sender] hiding directory dev because of pattern /dev[sender] expand file_list pointer array to 1024 bytes, did move[sender] expand file_list pointer array to 1024 bytes, did move[sender] expand file_list pointer array to 4096 bytes, did not move[sender] expand file_list pointer array to 1024 bytes, did not move[sender] expand file_list pointer array to 1024 bytes, did not movedelta-transmission disabled for local transfer or --whole-filersync: [generator] delete_file: rmdir(boot/firmware\#012/boot/firmware) failed: Device or resource busy (16)[generator] protecting directory lost+found because of pattern /lost+foundcannot delete non-empty directory: boot/firmware\#012/bootcannot delete non-empty directory: boot/firmware\#012/bootcannot delete non-empty directory: boot/firmware\#012./bin -> usr/bininitrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-v8initrd.img.old -> boot/initrd.img-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-2712lib -> usr/libsbin -> usr/sbinvmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-v8vmlinuz.old -> boot/vmlinuz-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-2712boot/boot/System.map-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-2712boot/System.map-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-v8boot/cmdline.txtboot/config-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-2712boot/config-6.1.0-rpi8-rpi-v8boot/config.txt
Here's the fstab:
nvme0n1 ├─nvme0n1p1 vfat FAT32 bootfs 23F3-B270 438M 14% /boot/firmware└─nvme0n1p2 ext4 1.0 rootfs 2e3590a4-abbc-4044-adb3-116cb2bee64d 796.5G 8% /
So, any ideas why this dang nvme setup is giving me such issues?
Statistics: Posted by mdpaxton — Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:50 pm