On the first post you said that you want to sample data only for one or two hours right?danjperron wrote: ↑
Tue Dec 12, 2023 1:04 pm
Maybe the SDcard option is the best one.
It is possible to transfer data using the SD mode.
https://github.com/carlk3/no-OS-FatFS-S ... I-RPi-Pico
But if I collect data longer it will be not practical to save it in sd card. Right? I need to send the data while acquring over the wifi at .3 mbyte/sec at least
or you are telling that I collect each second of data and store it is sd card and send it?
You never said always or for a long period.
Then hook up the Pico. Record everything for two hours. Stop it and retreive the SD card and analyze your data on a laptop or PC.
Or simply when the 2 hours is done now you could transfer what is on the SD card at slower rate. or use the SDCard like a buffer.
Statistics: Posted by danjperron — Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:16 pm