Troubleshooting • Connected thermal printer keeps changing URI
I have a weird issue where the receipt printer connected to the pi keeps "losing connection" if the pi is rebooted, and what I've noticed is that when that happens, and then I try to add a new...
View ArticleOther RP2040 boards • Re: Olimex RP2040-PICO-PC for Raspberry Pi Pico
There appears to be a schematic on that github page: ... _rev_B.pdfIs that the product in question? It appears to be just an add-on to a standard Pico with a few...
View ArticleHATs and other add-ons • Pi Codec Zero - Can I use two for 4-channel ADC
The Pi Codec Zero supports two channels of ADC and we are in need of 4. Can I connect two of them to the same Raspberry Pi 3B+, 4 or 5 to get 4 channels of ADC?The documentation mentioned some boards...
View ArticleGeneral • Re: Is SPI Slave (on Pico2) still fubar'ed?
P.S. I got my phases and polarities sorted out (both using polarity 1 and phase 1 now) and could perform a load test of data over SPI (Pi4 <----> Pico, jumper cables of 10 cm lengh). Each test...
View ArticleInterfacing (DSI, CSI, I2C, etc.) • Re: How to get hardware PWM working on pi 5?
Hey all,been busy recently and haven't jumped into the forums recently. But in terms of getting hardware-pwm working,It Works!I figured this out by replacing the motor with an LED and noticing it...
View ArticleGeneral • Re: serial port flip-flopping on Linux.
I also saw the flip-flopping, got annoyed and solved it like this: when I want the log over USB, I start a Bash script saying:Code: while (true)domicrocom --speed=115200 --port=/dev/ttyACM0...
View ArticlePython • Re: Python script not running on startup
Here is my script that was written in VSCode and remote into the PiCode: import psutilimport socketimport timeimport cursesimport sysimport loggingFONT_SIZE_20 = '\033[20m'FONT_SIZE_RESET = '\033[0m'#...
View ArticleGeneral discussion • Re: Raspberry Pi 5 2GB released! $50!
Nobody seems to be pointing out that due to inflation £35 in 2012 is the same as £50 now. So in fact this new device is EXACTLY the same price as the original all those years ago when everybody was...
View ArticleInterfacing (DSI, CSI, I2C, etc.) • Re: RPi 5 gpio libraries
The dividing line between prototyping and product is a bit nebulous, and you would hope that a user wanting to script GPIOs would use Python, but you do get all sorts and we do try to accommodate them...
View ArticleWolfram Language • Re: Evaluating some Mathematica code on RP5 to test
Thank you very much!I had no error message when controlling GUIs.The first output cell produces a very annoying sound, and other output cells do not produce any sound on the RP4.Is there no sound...
View ArticleTroubleshooting • Re: RPi5, USB3.0 and Interference with local GPS
Thanks for the reply. The project I had been using the GPS with was using USB2 devices, thus I did not notice the impact. Recently we upgraded to a USB3 peripheral as they no longer made it in USB2...
View ArticleAdvanced users • Re: Image File Utilities
Thanks for the quick reply. The Ubuntu you just tested is exactly the Ubuntu I'm using.I scanned through a number of the posts quickly with a search term "Ubuntu". I see there are/were a number of...
View ArticlePython • Re: Running PyAudio Script On Startup Issue
I just type what sashib said:Code: sudo systemctl start audio_recorder.serviceHere is what the journal said when I ran my script:Code: Aug 19 10:06:26 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started...
View ArticleGeneral • Re: RISC-V start of executable, interrupt vectors
Am I correct that one has to use the the 1BS_ENTRY_POINT Meta Block in the image to determine where execution should start and how the stack is initialised ?Yes. The use of the vector table to provide...
View ArticleGeneral • Re: Pico2 and SWO
We have a TPIU with a 4-bit DDR output. As far as I am aware it does not support SWO, based on the css600_tpiu_DEVID definition in the SoC-600M reference manual here:...
View ArticleTroubleshooting • Re: RPI-Clone & Bookworm
Hello, had to run some errands, and now returning. Suggestions appreciated!1. Good catch with version mis-match and I re-downloaded rpi-clone:[codesha256sum $(which...
View ArticleGeneral discussion • module camera v2 is not recognized
Good afternoon, I would like to know if someone can help me with this problem I have.My raspberry pi 4 does not recognize the v2 camera module in any way, I tried with two cameras and it does not work...
View ArticleBeginners • Re: Can I plug a 5V USB fan into the Pi's own USB port?
I've had at a 40mm noctua usb fan running off rpi4 usb port for years. It's big enough to be very quiet even though it is running flat out. One is rested on top of one of those "sticklebrick" metal...
View ArticleTroubleshooting • Re: [Bookworm] Pi Won't set Wi-Fi country code
I can only confirm to see the same problem:Code: $ sudo raspi-config nonint do_wifi_country DK$ sudo raspi-config nonint get_wifi_country -> DK which is correct$ iw reg getglobalcountry DK:...
View ArticleSDK • Re: Latest VS Code extension: error with example project
I'm not certain if this is significant or not, but it appears the when detecting tools the system python v3.8.2 is found (see end of code block, below). The python version installed with the extension...
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