After trying I2C on a SAMD21 part running micropython, and seeing the same behavior, I suspect that MicroPython is running software I2C. The hardware I2C registers are being written to, but software I2C is controlling the pins.
I thought that this would force a hardware I2C implementation (not using "SoftI2C"), but that appears to not be the case. The hardware registers were even being written to. Very odd.
I will ask this question on the MicroPython forum (as it appears to not be a Pico issue).
i2c = machine.I2C(1,sda=machine.Pin(2),scl=machine.Pin(3),freq=400000)
I will ask this question on the MicroPython forum (as it appears to not be a Pico issue).
Statistics: Posted by chipace — Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:55 pm