Save youself some time, effort and worry by going back to the 4B and previous installation (assuming you took an OS back up). You'll not see any performance gain with the Pi 5.It isn't running off a microsd card.What is its primary task - should be easy to copy it to a new microSD card that is running Bookworm with desktop.
It is working as a home server, performing various functions, nas, plex, hass. etc..
It has 4 SSDs and an HDD connected via a powered USB3 hub, which makes rebooting it a pain, let alone changing OS and starting again.
For network based usage the upper limt is going to be set by you network speed which, even on a Pi5 is still only 1Gbps (much less over WiFi). You also won't see any improvement in transfer speeds between drives and Pi as you're still connecting them through a single hub (remember hubs add ports but do not add bandwidth).
You might see some improvement in drive to PI transfer speeds by spreading them over two USB hubs (one in each USB3 port) and by moving one to the exposed PCie lane as you get more bandwidth per drive but you'll still be capped by network limits.
This (and the fact I'm using PCIe SATA cards rather than USB 3) is why my home server hasn't been upgraded from a CM4 to a Pi 5.
Statistics: Posted by thagrol — Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:30 pm